I think this was the same subject as my last blog. People be careful out there-Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. I can't remember the heat being any more brutal than it is right now(of course some of that memory might have to do with age-as we get older we begin to have more of a selective memory). I know that the heat does affect us more as we get older but this summer seems to be much worse much earlier. I just finished a 4.5 mi. run and I am complete toast. 7:30 am may be too late in the day to run. The best thing to do is to run before the sun comes up or after it goes down. I'll try that when I can.
Some good news though-the Mavericks won last nite and the Reds actually have won 2 in a row!
I just had someone say yesterday..."is it always this HOT in June?" So I think you are right...summer is here and in full force!