The perfect tune to come on right when I started my last uphill mile on my run tonite. Since it was the Live at Leeds version I was able to listen to the entire song on the last mile plus my warm down and some. Listening to it I couldn't help but think about how much things have changed for my generation in the last 40-45 yrs. I am not going to bore you with the all the things but take it from me there have been a lot of changes. Some good, some not so good but I believe the majority of them good. Life changes and we all change with it.
When you are 18-20 yrs. old, you think you know everything and you think you are invincible. This attitude leads to a lot of stupid mistakes. I mean a lot of them. If we are lucky we survive them and outgrow this attitude and get wiser with age. Some people(me) take a lot longer to reach this stage but we finally make it-grandchildren help a lot in aspect.
I am really not sure what I am trying to say in this post. I think about a lot of different things while I'm running usually triggered by a song I hear. Running down Milligan Dr.(street I grew up on) and listening to the Who reminded of all the great times and great friends I had growing up. PHS Class of 68- the greatest group of people ever.
When I was 18 I remember someone asking me what I wanted to do when I grew up. I still remember my 3 part answer.1- I didn't want to ever outgrow rock and roll( Elvis is the King and the Doors, Beatles, and Creedence are the greatest RnR bands ever). 2. I wanted to keep running for as long as I could( this one is turning out well). 3-the most important of all-I wanted to be with my high school sweetheart forever and she has been with me every step and stride of the way. No matter what Mary is always waitng for me at the finish line-either in person or spirit. This Sat. Aug. 20th will be our 41st wedding anniversary.
I guess you could say the way I feel now can be put in the words of a song. "I love the life I live and live the life I love"(with a few bumps, twists, and turns along the way!).
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