Every marathoner knows what the wall is and what it takes to push thru it. Sometimes we are succesful and sometimes we are not. I have experienced both as has most runners who have run a marathon or two. the "Wall" I have hit now is with my running in general. It sems to me I am at a point where I can't get over, under, or around this wall.
In the last 22 years of running I have always had a plan and goals whether it was to run a sub 3 hr. marathon or just lose 50 lbs. and run a mi. without stopping (yes I have been there also). At the moment I have no structure to my running. I am planning on running 7 maybe 8 races between now and the middle of April and I have no schedule of any kind for any race. Except for my long runs I have know idea how far I am going to run when I start out. I just run till I am tired then head back home. Lately I have been turning around a lot quicker than in the past.
I know I am not going to set any more PR's-those days are long gone but I don't want end up struggling thru every run mentally. I still enjoy running and the feeling it gives me when I have had a really ggod run(although there haven't been a lot of those lately). Someone told me a long time ago that if I ran more than 3 days a week I was doing for another reason than just exercise. I think my answer to him was" What's your point"!
I am not giving up or retiring because I truly believe that there are 2 or 3(or more) good races left in this almost 62 yr. old body. It's up to me to get thme out of it. I think some 60 degree weather would work wonders for that-What do you think?
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