Friday, August 12, 2011

Keep your MOJO working!

    4 mi. run this morning and I have come to the realization that I am in worse shape now than I have been in the last 22 yrs. It seems that I have lost my MOJO and I can't get it back. It is 8 weeks until my 1st half marathon of racing season and I am not anywhere near where I should be in my training schedule. It would be easy to blame the heat or age but I can't because there are runners as old or older than me out there training in this heat.
     As always I do have a plan. Always before if I ran a bad race I would just say " I was just using this race for a training run". Whether it was true or not it always made me feel better so I will just say before the race it is just a training run(unless I run good  and then we go to plan B).
     Now how to get my MOJO back. 2 new pair of running shoes should do it. It has always worked in the past. It is time to go to the Brooks website and start working on getting my MOJO back. Life's not hard it's just simply complicated. As always great running to you!

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